Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Defiance and Mutuality

 Defiance…oh, defiance. There is a part of my personality that is deeply defiant. If someone goes out of their way to say not to do something,  that is the first things I want to do. And, many times I may even agree with the said person’s reasoning, but when it is presented in an authoritarian “I am in charge” kind of way, I will do the opposite. Why? Because I believe conversation is superior to demands and love is better than manipulation.


So, there here it is. I am blogging during the time that I was told only to listen and take notes. I am blogging during the time that I was told to stay off the internet.


That gets me to the point. I love living in respectful and loving relationship with people. I love developing friendships where mutuality is the key and reverence for the God within each person, the imago dei (the image of God) in each of us.

What about you?

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